As a small winery, we tend to follow Markets and Wine Festivals. Whether it’s a Seafood and Wine Festival, or local Farmers Market, come pay us a visit and taste your favorite wine, or try something new! Copy the link below to visit our Events page on Facebook. Visit them all and you’ll meet all sides of our Buddha Kat family.

Paint Nite – We host a number of paint nites throughout the year. September 7th is the next scheduled paint nite here at Buddha Kat and will feature Dawning’s Art.

Game Nights – We will be hosting game nights every thursday at our seaside tasting room.

Cattail Weekends – Come taste how our wines can make a party. We will feature a cattail on select weekends. The next cattail weekend is on 4th of July weekend and the featured drinks are Strawberry Rhubarb Cattails.

In February we will be attending the Newport Seafood & Wine Festival on February 23rd thru February 26th. A great time is had by all.

The following week on March 3rd and 4th is the Portland Seafood and Wine Festival at the Portland Expo Center this year.

In April is the Astoria Seafood & Wine Festival on April 28th thru April 30th

Then we have the Salem Arts Festival on July 20th through the 23rd

Hope to see you all there.